Our Governance

Sensational Kids strives towards the highest levels of Governance

Sensational Kids Strategy 2023 โ€“ 2026


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Sensational Kids is a privately funded social enterprise with charitable status.  We receive grants and donations from individuals, corporate partners and trusts & foundations. We commit to all donors that we operate to, and adhere to, the highest standards of governance, transparency, and accountability.

  • We comply with the Charities Act and are registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority(CRA), Irelandโ€™s national regulatory agency for charitable organisations.
  • We have adopted and are fully compliant with The Charities Regulator Governance Codeas well as the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the public.
  • Sensational Kids is a registered company (company limited by guarantee) and completes annual returns to the Companies Registration Office(CRO).
  • We have adopted the Charity Standard of Recommended Practice SORP (FRS 102) for our financial statements.
  • Sensational Kids annual financial statements are fully audited by SC Dunne Accountants Ltd
  • Our annual accounts and annual reports are published on our website
Charities Regulatory Authority

Charities Regulatory Authority

Sensational Kids is a registered charity since 2007.Our Charities Regulator Authority Number is 20065133. We share annual reports and governance information with the CRA each year.

Companies Registration Office

Companies Registration Office

Sensational Kids is a registered company limited by guarantee. Our registered company number is 432465. We maintain compliance with CRO annually.

The Charities Regulator Governance Code

The Charities Regulator Governance Code

Sensational Kids is fully compliant with The Charities Regulator Governance Code.

How we work

Sensational Kids is a social enterprise with charitable status. We do not receive regular state funding to run our services and rely heavily on fundraising activities, donations  and grants to continue our mission. We operate a social enterprise business model and strive to be a sustainable organisation by providing workshops and selling learning aids and developmental resources through our store. 

We strive to show leadership around efficiency, transparency, and accountability, and make the best use of our resources to continue to provide affordable and accessible assessment and intervention services for children and young people of all abilities, and often those with additional needs. 

Sensational Kids is a social enterprise with charitable status; our revenue charity registration number is CHY 17477  and we are registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority, number 20065133. Sensational Kids is bound by the terms of our Constitution

Sensational Kids is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors.

  • Our voluntary Board of Directors and voluntary Company Secretary do not receive fees,
    expenses or payments for their services.

Sensational Kids does not have any shareholders/owners so all profits are put back into our mission to provide affordable and accessible therapy services for children in need.

We employ qualified and highly skilled staff to deliver better outcomes and change lives for the better. We have strict rules around contact with our service users and have comprehensive policies in place such as a Volunteer Policy,  Child Safeguarding Statement, and Guiding Principles & Child Safeguarding Procedures.  In addition, all of our staff, volunteers, and Board are subject to Garda Vetting.

You can view our latest Audited Accounts and read our most recent Annual Report.  Our accounts are externally and independently audited and are produced to SORP Standards (the Statement of Recommended Practice, Accounting, and Reporting by Charities).

  • We have adopted the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public.
  • Sensational Kids is compliant with the Charities Governance Code issued by the Charities Regulator. 


Board Sub Committees

We recognise our responsibility to make the best possible use of the resources we receive, and
to help us achieve this, we have put in place comprehensive policies and procedures to turn this
responsibility into actions. Sensational Kids has four board sub-committees who report to the board on a regular basis.

1) Corporate Governance Committee: Monitors the companyโ€™s governance structures and compliance processes, including regulatory filings and statutory obligations.

2) Clinical Governance Committee: Oversees four key areas of clinical standards: (a) clinical risk management (b) clinical effectiveness (c) child and family centred services (d) continuous improvement of clinical services

3) Finance & Audit Committee: Oversees financial controls, budgets, and audit.

4) Fundraising Committee: Oversees the fundraising strategy of the company to support the longer-term sustainability of the company

Click HERE to view our board sub-committee members.



View our  Donorโ€™s Charter

View our Customer Charter

Our Board

Our voluntary Board of Directors and Company Secretary do not receive fees, expenses or payments for their services.

Our Board Sub-Committees

Our voluntary committees who report to the Board of Directors include:

  • Finance & Audit Committee
  • Corporate Governance Committee
  • Fundraising Committee
  • Clinical Governance Committee

We are a registered charity. Our revenue charity registration number is CHY 17477 and we are registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority, number 20065133. Sensational Kids is bound by the terms of ourโ€ฏConstitution

If you would like further information or clarification on any aspects of the work we do, please contact karen@sensationalkids.ie.