Avalanche Fruit Stand


Select the fruit carefully from the fruit stand and try not to cause an avalanche!

Players spin the spinner, then use the Jumbo Tweezers to carefully select one of each fruit to win the game.

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Develops fine motor skills, especially the all-important pincer grasp that prepares children for handwriting.


  •       Game board
  •       40 fruit counters
  •       2 tweezers
  •       Spinner
  •       Activity guide

Board measures 6โ€L x 9.5โ€W x 13.75โ€H, tweezers measure 6โ€L

Learning Style: Visual, Tactile

Skill Development: 

Fine Motor- Tweezers guide proper finger placement to practice pincer grasp and engage hand muscle strength needed for daily living activities like brushing teeth or using a pencil.
Fine Motor- Eye-hand coordination and depth perception are engaged while precision and control are promoted to pluck or place fruits on the stand.
Social & Behavioural- Encourages pretend play opportunities with peers through turn taking, patience and cooperative play.
Basic Conceptsโ€“ Reinforces vocabulary, colour recognition and identification, counting practice and organisation. Hands-on play helps build a concrete foundation of skills through exploration, imagination, and fun.

Perfect for:

  • developing fine motor skills
  • vocabulary building
  • counting practice.


Who is this game good for?

  • Any child aged 3 years+ (due to choking hazards and small parts)
  • Pre-school children developing their grip strength in readiness for handwriting โ€“ they might not manage the tripod grip with these tweezers at first so let their grip develop naturally rather than push too soon for the tripod grip.
  • Primary school children of all ages seeking to have fun whilst developing their tripod grip strength for handwriting
  • Fun for families from age 3 to 103!
  • Children with dyspraxia and dysgraphia will find this game enormously helpful to improve their grip strength
  • Any child currently using a pencil grip in school to aid their handwriting

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